Marley Cedral cladding installation in Ongar, Essex

December 17, 2024 10:55 am Published by

Marley cedral cladding installation in Ongar, Essex

Marley weatherboard cladding installation in Essex
Marley Cedral cladding around dormer window
Marley cedral cladding in Ongar, Essex
New Marley Cedral cladding on dormer window
Marley weather board cladding in Essex
New cedral watherboard cladding installation
Pre-installation of new Marley cladding
Pre-installation of replacement Marley cladding

Marley cedral / weatherboard cladding

Here at Summit Cladding we have always been big fans of James Hardie composite cladding, a versatile and reliable weatherboard in a wide range of styles and colours. But there’s another kid on the block that has made a big impression on us.

It’s called Marley Cedral cladding and, as the name suggests, it’s from the same stable as the Marley Tile Company which was founded a hundred years ago – so they’ve had a long time to get things right!

Our client, Howard, from Ongar in Essex, was planning to give his home a complete exterior makeover and had obtained a sample of the Cedral cladding to see if that would fit the bill. He liked what he saw and so did we. What an amazing product.

Lightweight and fire safe

Cedral cladding is a lightweight fibre cement board that is manufactured in two metre lengths, making it an economical option, and boasts what Marley calls “an industry-leading fire performance.” This is so important when the issue of fire-resistant cladding is in the news.
Cedral has a distinctive wood grain effect to mimic natural timber, a pattern definition that is more noticeable than on James Hardie cladding. It comes in five colours, which is a lot fewer than offered by James Hardie, but it didn’t matter as Howard had already set his heart on one of them – blue grey.

Insulation for energy saving

Summit started the installation by removing all the old mineral felt on the flat roof then building a timber carcase to accommodate a layer of 150mm Kingspan insulation. All the existing lead flashings around the dormer window were removed and a Resitic fibreglass roofing system was fitted to replace the felt on the flat roof.

On the front and rear of the house 50mm treated timber battens were fixed to the brick walls and, once again, Kingspan insulation was fitted between the timbers before the Marley Cedral cladding was installed on top. As the before-and-after pictures illustrate, the result is a stunning transformation of a quite ordinary looking house into something much more contemporary.

As with all our composite cladding materials, Marley Cedral offers maintenance-free energy efficiency and although it’s a bit more expensive than its competitors, it gets a big thumbs up from Summit. It is definitely a product we’ll be recommending again.

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This post was written by Summit Cladding

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